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#1 2013-10-21 08:23:24


Migration of one client from SQL to MS Access


I am sorry to write in English, but I do not speak Polish (yet wink. I need slight guidance on how to migrate ONE client from Platnik on MS SQL to MS Access. I actually have tried to find this information in documentation for administrators (Podręcznik administratora programu Płatnik w wersji 8.01.001 A.) section Migracja bazy roboczej MS SQL Server do MS Access. First of all I am not sure if this migrates only currently selected client (while baza robocza might be whole database with all my clients). Unfortunatelly the kreator makes only access file with structure, but druing the dump of the data he stops with The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered. While on Vista, this should not be a trouble. Windows 7 (64bit) same problem - but there I have expected it while Jet is not 64bit.

Any idea, confirmation in which way should I go?

Thanks a lot for any help, Jiri

#2 2013-10-21 14:12:28


Odp: Migration of one client from SQL to MS Access

This is a problem with 64 bit environment. There are no problems on 32 bit machines

#3 2013-10-21 15:10:01


Odp: Migration of one client from SQL to MS Access

Dear DarekD,

I know, I have tried on 32bit Vista - same result. Stan systemu shows all jet DLLs to be ready. I will try tonight XP, maybe that will do better.

I also need to insert another client from MS Access to MS SQL but steps from Tomatos from … php?id=794 is valid only if archive is of identical type (I can only select SQL archiwe if I want to do otworz z archiwa). I want to make sure we do not loose other customers on SQL baza if we migrate archiwe as well...
I know i should not tickmark usun platnika to avoid it§s removal after archivation.
Maybe instead of mdbs I need to trade .rep files? If this is the case, where can I export .rep file?

Thanks a lot for your help,


#4 2013-10-21 16:15:41


Odp: Migration of one client from SQL to MS Access

The fact is that the source and target database must be the same type (MDB-MDB, SQL-SQL). If you want to make calls you must first convert the MDB->SQL and then combine the two in one target.

Rep files for anything are not useful in this case

#5 2013-10-21 16:21:04


Odp: Migration of one client from SQL to MS Access

Install a locally (Vista) MS SQL server, convert the MDB file for MSSQL, and then move it backup to destination SQL Server and make the connection (import)

#6 2013-10-22 17:41:04


Odp: Migration of one client from SQL to MS Access

Dear DarekD,

After few hassles, I have managed to migrate thanks to your advise. Now I have created 26 steps for successfull migration MS Access to MS SQL 2008 on Windows Vista. However I had to find workaround with moving .bak files from Vista SQL to server SQL, as I got error on archiwe migration with linked server (null). Once I had archive on server SQL 2008, restore via Narzadie worked fine.

Maybe I have one more question - I have mdb per year. any way how to merge them together?

Thanks for big help,.


#7 2013-10-23 07:27:48


Odp: Migration of one client from SQL to MS Access

.Bak file, move yourself and reprocess using the MS Management Studio. Make a backup and restore.

You would like to combine the two MDB database? At the same time is a bit of fun and is no longer so easy-but possible to do.

#8 2013-10-29 16:41:47


Odp: Migration of one client from SQL to MS Access

DarekD napisał/a:

.Bak file, move yourself and reprocess using the MS Management Studio. Make a backup and restore.

You would like to combine the two MDB database? At the same time is a bit of fun and is no longer so easy-but possible to do.


It is now on SQL, but I have 4 client in rejestr platnikow from different years, but still the same company. And this is what I would like to merge to single client in rejestr platnikow.

#9 2013-10-30 08:30:45


Odp: Migration of one client from SQL to MS Access

Whether the data from these four registers overlap is in addition to the insured are different data? If so, in your tables, change the value in the ID_PLATNIKA one, and later on the insured do connecting cards

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